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Highway work zone issues that could lead to a third-party claim

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Working in construction, there are times when you may be exposed to risks. If you work on a team that completes highway repairs or other construction tasks on busy roadways, then you could be at risk of being hit by a car or injured in other ways. In fact, construction zone crashes lead to around 774 deaths each year.

Highway work zones are notorious for being hazardous to workers. You may be able to make a claim against a third party if you are harmed while working as a contractor or are injured by a third party while on the job.

Some of the situations that could lead to a third-party liability claim might include:

  • Getting hit by a car or truck while working as a contractor
  • Being hit by a work vehicle driven by another contractor
  • Being hit by debris
  • Getting into a crash at the work site while off-the-clock

In most cases, it’s easiest for people who are contracted in to work with another team to make a third-party claim. Employees often have the option to pursue workers’ compensation, but those who are contracted to do a job usually won’t have that available to them.

What can you do to stay safer in a work zone?

First, watch out for some of the more common safety risks, including:

  • Motorists who may not be paying attention
  • Moving machinery and construction vehicles
  • Angry pedestrians or aggressive coworkers
  • Falling objects

As someone working on a construction site, you should always wear the correct safety equipment. This may include a hard hat or brightly colored safety vest. Keep in good communication with those around you. If you see someone behind a moving construction vehicle or notice that scaffolding doesn’t seem secure, say something. Your vigilance could help prevent a serious accident.

Consider a third-party personal injury claim

If you are hurt while you’re working, you may have the opportunity to make a claim. As a victim of an injury, it’s your right to seek compensation for the pain and suffering you’re going through and to ask for compensation to cover your financial losses.