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Common causes of car crashes in New York

On Behalf of | Jun 4, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Many crashes occur because people encounter “the wrong person” on the road. The safest driver in the world may not be able to avoid a crash caused by someone who does illegal and questionable things in traffic.

In New York, many of the collisions that occur across the state relate to one of three types of predictable dangerous conduct in traffic.

Excess speed

People are much less patient than they used to be. Driving, especially as part of a daily commute to work, can be a frustrating experience. Those eager to minimize their time spent in traffic might exceed the posted speed limit consistently on all different types of roads. They may view speeding as a victimless crime if they don’t get caught, but exceeding the speed limit increases their risk of a crash with tragic consequences. According to state data, approximately 30% of the reported traffic fatalities in the Empire State involve at least one vehicle traveling at well over the posted speed limit.

Alcohol and drugs

Drunk driving is a common traffic safety issue that puts people at significantly elevated risk of a collision. Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs may have a difficult time focusing on traffic conditions. They have longer reaction times when something unexpected happens and may not make the right decision when confronted with an unusual scenario, like a deer on the road. A noteworthy portion of serious collisions in New York every year involve alcohol. Many others involve drugs, including prescription medications. Those who regularly use certain drugs or alcohol might make the mistake of underestimating the impact that those substances have on their driving capabilities.

Distracted driving

Conversations with passengers, meals obtained from fast food restaurants and personal grooming are all sources of distraction. Mobile phones are also a safety concern, as people may have a hard time remaining mentally focused on driving when their phones start making noises. Distracted driving causes thousands of preventable collisions each year, and not all sources of distraction are necessarily easy to prove. Someone daydreaming at the wheel doesn’t leave a digital paper trail the way that someone texting at the wheel does.

Certain other risk factors, including fatigued driving and unsafe travel habits, like failing to use turn signals, can also significantly increase the likelihood of a preventable motor vehicle collision. Drivers who recognize what habits have the strongest association with increased collision risk can make better choices when they drive. They can also use that information and their pursuit of justice if they get into a car crash caused by another driver.